Oh man, how is it September already!?

(Or should we say, “How did we goat here so fast!?")

As the season changes, we've been reflecting on the past few months and realizing just how much life has kept us from our writing.

With Angie traveling from Invermere in BC to the beaches of northern Greece and David preparing to sell his house and visiting the goats grazing along the banks of Wascana Creek in Regina, our creative flow has taken a backseat.

But with the new school year starting, we're optimistic that we'll soon be back in the groove.

The goats along Wascana Creek. Chilling and grazing.

What We're Doing (and Not Doing)

What we're doing

After a whirlwind of activities, we're balancing new adventures with cherished routines.

We're both back in the classroom this semester, diving into teaching alongside our other pursuits.

Angie's embracing the new school year by moving to a dedicated art studio—though it involved unpacking 46 boxes of supplies!

Meanwhile, David's been busy preparing his house for sale, hoping for a quick move once everything is in place.

We've also been reconnecting with friends and family, savouring the final moments of warmth before autumn fully sets in.

What we're not doing

With all these life changes, we haven't been writing as much as we'd like—our latest book, Wolfe's Blood, is still waiting for that final push.

But don't worry; we know these quiet periods are often followed by bursts of productivity.

With autumn's arrival, we're confident we'll return to our morning writing sessions and finish the book you've been waiting for.

A Fresh Look for Our Updates

You may have noticed some changes in our recent newsletters. We're trying new approaches – like moving away from our usual recaps, using lists, and adopting a collective "we" voice.

While we know you just want to hear when the book is coming (so would we!), these newsletters are our way of keeping you informed, even when there isn't much to say.

We'd love to hear your thoughts—do you like these changes, or is there something else you'd prefer? Your feedback is invaluable in helping us craft a newsletter that genuinely resonates with you.

Looking Ahead

The arrival of fall has us excited to return to our writing routine. David's optimistic that once we start again, the momentum will carry us quickly to the finish line—and maybe even onto our next project!

Thank you for sticking with us during this busy time.

We're looking forward to sharing more progress with you soon. We goat this!

Until next time, happy reading!