Piecing Together Our Puzzle

No time to celebrate—hard work ahead

Hey everyone,

It's been a month since we last checked in, and we've got some updates to share. We promise not to keep you in the dark—let's piece together what we've been up to!

Photo by Ross Sneddon

Our "Writing Anniversary"

September marked another year of the Counios and Gane collaboration, and we celebrated in true writer fashion - with a simple "Happy Anniversary" text. But here's the thing: we can't quite figure out how long we've actually been at this. Was it when we first wrote screenplays together? When we decided to write our first novel? Or maybe it was that first blog post? 🤷‍♀️

We're like that couple who can't settle on when their relationship officially started because they were friends first, then collaborators, then published authors. Our "marriage" might have been publishing Along Comes a Wolfe, but our "dating history" is a bit of a mystery.

Just to be clear: we're not actually a couple. David's married to Angie’s sister, and Angie is happily in a relationship. But our writing partnership? It's got all the hallmarks of a long-term commitment - complete with the "how long have we been doing this?" moments.

Balancing Acts and Individual Pursuits

A month into the new semester, we're fully immersed in our teaching roles while keeping our creative fires burning. It's a juggling act, but we're finding our rhythm.

Amidst the academic hustle, we've had some exciting individual developments. Angie's book My List My Rules is making waves, shortlisted for the Whistler Independent Book Awards and a finalist in the non-fiction category. While attending the ceremony isn't in the cards this time, the recognition is thrilling.

Meanwhile, David was honoured to introduce Michael Mirolla as the new library writer in residence, keeping us connected to our local writing community.

Wolfe's Blood - A Jigsaw Puzzle in Progress

Huzzah! We're back to writing Wolfe's Blood! But here's the thing - returning to a book after a long break is a bit like returning to an unfinished jigsaw puzzle.

Imagine this: You've got a 1000-piece puzzle spread out on the dining room table. You've been working on it for a while, got the edges done, and filled in some recognizable sections. Then life happens—maybe unexpected guests arrive, or you need the table for, you know, actual dining. So you carefully cover it up, thinking you'll get back to it soon.

Fast forward about a year. You uncover the puzzle, ready to dive back in, and... wait, where were we again?

That's us with Wolfe's Blood right now. We know what the final picture should look like. We've got the framework in place. But as we sift through the pieces, we're rediscovering parts of the story, trying to remember exactly where we left off and figuring out which sections need our attention next.

Angie feels like she's been standing on the shore, waiting for the ferry to show up so we can get going again. But don't worry - we're committed to piecing it all together. We're sorting through the pieces, finding where they fit, and slowly but surely bringing Shepherd and Wolfe's latest adventure to life.

Looking Ahead

It might take a little time to fully regain the groove, but we're excited to be working on the puzzle again. And we can't wait to show you the finished picture!

Thanks for sticking with us through this puzzle-solving process. We're looking forward to sharing more progress with you soon.

Until next time, happy reading!

Angie & David