“When’s the book coming out?”: News from the world of Counios & Gane

You might call it a summer-y of things going on😉

“When’s the book coming out?”: News from the world of Counios & Gane
Sadie, enjoying the summer.

Summer is here, bringing travel, getaways, and adventures. During this time, our morning meetings are put on pause and writing finds a different rhythm. With the final book of the series in progress, we wanted to update you with how things are going.

Here are six things Angie and David are up to (and why you don’t have our latest book yet).


  1. Saskatchewan Festival of Words: I had the good fortune to attend this year’s festival in Moose Jaw. I enjoyed several talks and had the opportunity to meet Jennilee Austria-Bonifacio, author of Reuniting with Strangers, a novel about the perspectives of migrant Filipino caregivers and their families.
  2. Teaching Screenwriting: I’m teaching screenwriting again in the fall, so I’ve spent the past few months revamping my course material. My two main goals are:
    • To lessen my workload. (I’ve always taken on too much).
    • To address the role of AI in writing. While AI can be a useful tool, it can lead to lazy and bland writing. If my students’ writing is indistinguishable from AI-generated material, they risk being replaced by AI.
  3. Life’s Unpredictability: The real reason for Wolfe’s Blood’s delay is because sometimes life throws curveballs. A family medical emergency last December took me two provinces away for months, upending my plans. I'm grateful for my family's and Angie's support during this time. Things are settling down now, and I'm getting back on track. We're returning to writing soon, and I hope you'll find the wait worthwhile.


  1. End of a New School Year: I made it through a school year at a new school. There were challenges, but in the end, I succeeded—moving from a classroom to an art studio. The last day was a race to pack an entire classroom neatly into boxes, and, well, I did it. Decompression followed.
  2. Travel Near and Far: I took about five days to explore Invermere with my partner and his children. We boated on a lake, floated down a river, hiked, ate, played ladderball, and welcomed summer from the mountains. It was the transition I needed. Soon after, I visited my motherland. This year, more than others, I noticed the added memories of all the places where I had worked on the Shepherd and Wolfe books—working on scenes with David in my hometown overlooking the olive and pomegranate trees, spending time on Wolfe in Shepherd’s Clothing while looking at the harbor view, and getting feedback seaside with friends. Tony and Charlie are now woven into my memories of Greece.
  3. I’m a finalist at Whistler Independent Book Awards: I’m thrilled to announce that my solo book, My List My Rules: The Year a Checklist Changed My Life, was shortlisted for the Whistler Independent Book Awards this fall. The book recounts the 101 things I did in one year and the amusing lessons I learned along the way. Shortly after, it received a finalist placement. This national award has only three categories, so I’m pretty excited about that.

That’s it for now. Thank you for reading. Stayed tuned for upcoming updates.